The power of social media to connect people together never ceases to amaze!
Through Colors of Influence's Instagram (@colorsinfluence), I encountered the beauty and eloquence of the verses written by Empriś Durden (@empris.durden), a post-post modern + #afrofuturist + #selflove poet living in Los Angeles, California.
I highly recommend her latest book “self-love 101: art is healing” on Amazon and at This hilarious + beautifully written poetry collection encourages healing from heartbreak. At times, the book reads like a carefully curated Twitter timeline. At other times, the book unravels like a sacred, but modern, prayer for the strength to be gentle with oneself, to “skip over negativity like video ads, sis," to eat “pastoral interludes for breakfast,” and to practice the daily art of self-love 101.
Empriś Durden is the author of three books has performed at Da Poetry Lounge, World Stage Performance Gallery, Beyond Baroque, Tia Chucha’s Centro Cultural, Neutra Institute Museum and Gallery, private events, and Washington University in St. Louis. Her work has been featured on @TheFreeBlackWomensLibrary_LA and @GoodBlackReads.
Empriś wants to help other women realize that “a lot of people look for love in others when we should really look inward and upward.” Empriś ultimate goal is to secure a three book deal with @andrewsmcmeel publishing.
In this Q&A, the poet responds with verses that inspire and lift up the spirit.
What was your primary inspiration for writing a poetry volume on self-care?
i gave myself permission
you don’t need their approval
relationship status:
married to my art
clean up on aisle my life is in shambles
rebuilding myself
sketchbook by sketchbook
poem by poem
i’m writing for my life
best believe,
i’m writing for my life
you speak to me of writing
as if i had a choice
poems from “self-love 101: art is healing” written by empriś durden
In your creative process, who are your greatest influences?
dedication of “self-love 101: art is healing” written by empriś durden
dedicated to my mother and father.
to those who came before me: nayyirah waheed. warsan shire. alex elle. rupi kaur. yrsa daley-ward. upile chisala. sonia sanchez. julia cameron.
thank you for making me believe.
dear reader,
i wrote this for you.
Why is it important for women of color to realize true self-love?
but if you’re happy they can’t sell you things
do not accept scraps of affection;
we are not in slavery times any more
don’t mind me,
just tapping into the power of my ancestors
just a young black woman out here surviving somehow
skip over negativity like video ads, sis
Here we are, existing, in a world that wants us dead.
“how are you?
they want me in a jail cell or a coffin.”
Here we are, creating and healing.
poems from “self-love 101: art is healing” written by empriś durden