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Portland Events Focus on Ensuring Food Security for Oregonians

Jeri Williams, Neighborhood Program Coordinator of the City of Portland's Office of Neighborhood Involvement, shares info about two upcoming events discussing Oregon's food security issues and challenges.

Springboard Social Innovation Forum
Wednesday, November 12
Urban Grind East
2214 NE Oregon St., Portland

Click here to download the program in PDF

Hear from gleaners, food educators, school gardeners, state offices, food security policy makers, nutritionists, and others who are feeding our neighbors---and feeding them well. Join this important conversation to learn where your work overlaps and supports this goal.

Panelists will share their strategies for change and discuss some challenging questions:
  • How do we avoid wasting food?
  • Is food the answer to hunger? Is any food good food?
  • How can gardening, local farming, school and community gardens, gleaning, and food
  • banks work together to make our community healthier?
  • What can we do in our everyday lives to end hunger—globally and locally?

100 Mile Thanksgiving Challenge

Monday, November 17
First Unitarian Church
Buchan Meeting Room
1011 SW 12th Ave. (Enter through alleyway on 12th)

Learn from a variety of community organizations how you can participate in bringing real wealth to Portland via our food systems - support our local farmers and restaurants, become empowered with your own urban garden, and bring more economic justice while preserving our food quality and generally building better communities.

  • Where to buy: Co-ops, stores, CSAs and local farms that sell local food
  • Where to dine: Local chefs/restaurants that promote & serve local foods
  • Do it yourself: Resources for growing your own produce
  • Share the wealth: Partner with local organizations to share with those in need
Bring a canned food item to donate to Oregon Food Bank. There will be a home-made pumpkin pie, & pumpkin cookies to share along with menu suggestions with local foods for the holidays & recipes. A take-home list of the names and contact info for organizations will be provided, in order for folks to connect with local food resources and eat within 100 miles while supporting local farms, stores & restaurants in our community.

For more info, email or call 503-475-7509.

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