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Networking events

Now that I no longer have to attend class and do homework most evenings, I have more opportunities to have somewhat of a “social life” and attend networking events with professionals around town. Since 2003, I’ve been taking classes toward my MBA degree at the University of Portland AND working full-time -- I graduated last May. Many of my former classmates were in the same boat: expertly juggling many responsibilities in pursuit of a grad degree in business. A lot of very smart, driven, hard working folks have come through the program.

Yesterday evening, I attended the NEW Leadership Oregon open house, hosted at Gard & Gerber. The program provides residential leadership training for college age women enrolled in higher education institutions across Oregon. I had the pleasure of meeting with PSU political science professor Melody Rose, PhD, who serves as executive director. I shared with her my interest in profiling minority alumnae of the program.

Same evening, different venue: ORIENTED.COM organizers hosted their monthly networking happy hour at Kinta restaurant in SE Belmont. The event was held at a great location serving fresh and healthy food. The best part is meeting new folks and catching up with some of my favorite people. Lillian Tsai and Gloria Jung (pictured) are co-founders of the local chapter of the global networking organization. On the last Thursday of every month, happy hour networking events are held “simultaneously” in chapter cities across the world.

I launched the fall edition of OMB this week, and have received some leads on possible folks to feature in the winter edition. Also completed the October 2006 newsletter for the Philippine American Chamber of Commerce of Oregon. I look forward to begin work on the next issue, which should be out in a few weeks.


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