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The Importance of Latino Representation in Research Studies

The Office of Minority Health hosts a webinar on diversity representation in research, starting at 1pm ET on Monday, October 15. "What’s in it for You? The Importance of Latino Representation in Research Studies" will explore factors such as culture, acculturation and fear, among others that are a barrier for enrollment and retention in research studies.

According to the National Institutes of Health, Hispanic/Latino communities are under-represented in federally funded clinical/cohort research studies. During Hispanic Heritage Month, the Health and Human Services Office of Minority Health is focusing its efforts on creating awareness of the importance of Hispanic/Latino community participation in research studies as a way to improve the health of this population.

Alexander Vigo-Valentín, moderator
Learning objectives of the webinar include:

  • Providing overview of the importance of minority populations participation in research studies
  • Identifying factors that impede Latinos from enrolling in research studies 
  • Highlighting programs and share resources that may help Latino communities be more involved in research 

The panel will be moderated by Alexander Vigo-Valentín, PhD, Public Health Advisor, Hispanic/Latino Health Policy Lead, Office of Minority Health, US Department of Health and Human Services. Register now

Panel speakers:

  • Dr. Matthew Lin, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Minority Health, Director, Office of Minority Health, US Department of Health and Human Services 
  • Gregory A Talavera, MD, MPH, NIH’s SOL Study Principal Investigator for the San Diego Field Center, Professor, School of Public Health San Diego State University 
  • Cariny Nuñez, MPH, CHRM, Senior Public Health Advisor, Food and Drug Administration, Office of Minority Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 
  • Maria Lopez-Class, PhD, MPH, Health Disparities Scientist/All of Us Program Officer 
  • Edgar Gil Rico, Senior Director for Innovation and Program Development, National Alliance for Hispanic Health 

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