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Building Resilience Amid COVID-19

In response to COVID-19, Hollaback! is offering free training on how to build resilience in the face of COVID-19. Resilience is especially important in the aftermath of working through crisis and trauma. In offering the training, the goal of Hollaback! is to prepare individuals to author their own resilience during COVID-19.

Hollaback! is on a mission to end harassment — in all its forms. Through its Global Site Leader program, Hollaback! has trained over 550 young leaders to become site leaders in their communities. Participants receive six months of free trainings and monthly webinars on strategic planning, community outreach, technology, intersectionality, traditional and social media, volunteerism, and public speaking. Each team that goes through the gains the skills to run a site and engage in on-the-ground action.

The one-hour, interactive, and experiential learning experience will teach participants how to pursue resilience during COVID-19, using Hollaback!’s resilience methodology: sit with what is, create your story, and be in choice. The training starts by talking about what resilience really is, and how it’s different (and harder) than self-care. Using guided practices, participants will learn how to hold pain alongside joy during this global pandemic. The training explores how folks are making sense of this moment — and how that’s shaping our experience of it.

Hollaback! has had a tremendous demand for COVID-19 related trainings. Please register in advance for all trainings. All sessions will be capped at 1,000 people.
  • Wednesday, June 24 at 1:00pm ET/ 12:00pm CT/ 11:00am MT/ 10:00am PT/ 7:00am HST. Register Here.
  • Friday, July 10 at 12:30pm ET/ 11:30am CT/ 10:30am MT/ 9:30am PT/ 7:30am HST. Register Here.

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. The training is currently only offered in English but we are seeking funding to expand it into other languages. Additionally, please note at the moment this training may not be ADA compliant.

Since 2005, Hollaback! has been encouraging people to share their stories and instances of harassment on the street, online, and in public spaces through our website, our app, and on HeartMob. As we stay home to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases, fewer people are in public spaces but harassment still persists and building resilience can help you when healing from trauma.

Want to learn more about the rest of Hollaback! trainings in response to COVID-19? Visit the Bystander intervention training to stop anti-Asian/American and xenophobic harassment page. As well as checking out some other Hollaback! resources related to discussing the role bystanders can play, what privilege is, reasons why people don’t take action, and Hollaback! 5D’s of bystander intervention.

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